Episode 330 Part 1 – National Dog Day

Phil HulettPodcast 1 Comment

dog photo

National Dog Day is August 26, 2017

No, not hot dog, DOG.

Download this Episode! (Listen below)

You know, Fido, Rover, Pooch! Author of the book, Carlyn Montes De Oro joins the friends to talk about all dogs do to enhance human life. Carlyn also offers ideas on what to feed a dog from a vegan perspective. While Phil makes an effort, sausage is not on the menu. And what does Carlyn think about the growing popularity of treating dogs with acupuncture? Plus, the unknown uses for every days items. High school dress codes, rather, who owns “sexy?” Manny the Movie Guy finds a movie worth watching this weekend and it features a reformed, mumbling vampire! Add to that, Manny also offers his Top 10 Movies of 2017 so far (and the worst). In food news: Arby’s goes big for the Game of Thrones finale. Come to think of it, didn’t GoT just do a season premiere like, two weeks ago? And, now you can get Kit Kats in this flavor just in time for October.

Co-Hosts: Kelly J and Paul McCann

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