Guess who had an account with the cheaters website, We reveal the names, the stats and the preferences. Plus The Paleo Cardiologist pays a visit to explain why it is so important to eat meat. Did Kirsten Stewart make the moves on Manny the Movie Guy? “Gonzo” Greg Spillane and Ted “Thrasher” Prichard guest co-host with Phil Hulett on this episode. Topics include: 15 Year Old Kid with a unique name soars to the top of the Presidential polls. Uber background checks. Steven Tyler’s country song. The 10 sexiest cities in America. The 10 states that spend the most at Walmart. Bad parents. Update on the couple on the cover of the Woodstock soundtrack 46 years later. Pestilence at Burning Man/ Parrothead potties. Female Viagra has a name now. July was off the charts hot. Would you swim in a clear pool suspended 50 stories between two hi-rise buildings? Please resist mounting the Nicki Minaj wax model! Televangelists. And finally, the Ice Bucket Challenge lives on.
Cheaters and Meat Eaters