Episode 326 Part 2 – You Can Outrun T-Rex

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Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaurierland Ruegen 2009On part 2 of Episode 326, Travel Dude Gary Warner explains how to travel to all points Game of Thrones for very little money. Paleontologist Phil Manning checks in from a not-so-top secret dino dig to explain how science proves T-Rex was the laughing-stock of the Jurassic period. Who knew Mike Templeton was such a dinodweeb? Plus poo for teacher. The 18-hour orgasm. Turn in your utility belt Ben Affleck. Phil explains to Brooke Peterson the percent naked rule and why women constantly torture men. NY to DC Hyperloop. Top grossing concert tours for the first half of 2017. And Salvador Dali’s mustache lives!
Check out this episode!
