Today is Net Neutrality Day. The FCC approved it and you don’t even know what it is, you just know you don’t like it. At least, that’s what the polls say. Plus a guy who provides therapy to veterans with PTSD by introducing them to Lions, Tigers and Bears…no, really! Manny the Movie Guy explains why he got the Oscars so wrong this year and reviews the latest Will Smith Movie, Focus. Our special guest-host today is the reigning Ms. California United States, Sande Charles. Gonzo Greg Spillane sits in, too. Chris Martin and Phil Hulett handle the familiar faces responsibilities. Other topics include: The Bachelor Finale, crazy chicks, the AKC’s top dogs, Taylor Swift is WHAT? Human head transplants, hyper-loop testing, the world’s hottest hamburger, the bluetooth whiskey bottle, the body parts women are unhappy with, and a social media network for flatulence.
Lions, Tigers and Net Neutrality, Oh My!