Episode 273 – A Walmart on Uranus

Phil Hulett Full-Length Shows, Podcast 2 Comments

Sorry about that. It’s just one of the many potential headlines from today’s show. NASA expert Rod Pyle pondered whether intelligent life exits on the thousands of planets astronomers have recently discovered. Perhaps we could have pulled a headline from Brooke Peterson‘s story about how eating human feces can cure disease? Estate planning, probate and tax attorney, Sam Long explains why everyone, regardless …

Episode 273 Part 5 – What You Eat Defines You / Childhood Chronic Diseases on the Rise

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Prepared to be Devoured by Culinary Expert, Sophie Egan. Her book, “Devoured,” discovers what the food you eat says about you. Dr. Daliah Wachs explains why she believes so many more kids are contacting chronic diseases. She suggests, and Phil Hulett agrees, today’s helicopter parents need to “embrace the dirt” so their kids can naturally build a little immunity. This bite-sized chunk of …

Episode 273 Part 4 – Earpiece Translator / Honey Mead / Mike Trout

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You’ve used that translator app on your phone for ever, right? Now there’s an earpiece which listens to the language the person right in front of you is speaking and translates it seamlessly into your language. Cool, huh? Admit it, you don’t like mead, but you’ll drink it to sound cool, in a medieval way. Is Mike Trout as good …

Episode 273 Part 3 – So Many Planets There Must Be Life / Runnin on Renewables / Fast Food Kiosks

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NASA Expert Rod Pyle talks about the preponderance of new planets being discovered and ponders how much more likely it is that there is a life-sustaining orb out there in space. Let’s give credit where credit is due…the phrase, “A Walmart on Uranus” was delivered with effortless comedic timing by Mr. Pyle during this bit-sized chunk of Episode 273. Brooke Peterson was all giddy …