Pluto, PreNups, and Heroin

Phil HulettFull-Length Shows, Podcast Leave a Comment

[saf] What’s all the excitement over Pluto about? Gonzo Greg co-hosts this episode asks the same question in his anti-plutonian rant. We learn why prenuptial agreements could work for just about everybody, and how a home renovation project might cause you to exercise that prenup. A former addict reveals how heroin is becoming the drug of choice for middle class kids and …

Mayhem Miller, USB Danger and Oktoberfest

Phil HulettFull-Length Shows, Podcast Leave a Comment

[saf] We had plans today but MMA fighter, and host of the show, Bully Beatdown, Mayhem Miller was holed up in his home in Costa Mesa, surrounded by heavily armed law enforcement. All the while, Miller was Tweeting his thoughts as he had them. He eventually was apprehended without shots fired.  We managed to cover other stories including: USB security …