Among today’s topics on Phil Hulett and Friends, is buying a franchise a good idea? An expert looks at the pros and cons and just how inexpensive it is to get a franchise going. Relationship Expert, Dr. Lesliebeth Wish talks about the top deal-breakers in a relationship, how to over come them, and if it’s even worth it. Manny the Movie Guy has to dig real deep to find a movie he likes for this weekend. Chris Martin joins Phil in the studio with a truck-load of items, including: Disney CEO to oversee bringing NFL teams to Los Angeles, New York puts the hammer down on Fan Duel and Draft Kings, original Guns N’ Roses members to reunite for a tour?, the birth control pill that gets you pregnant, man saves drowning bear, the gum wall is clean, rich dad puts all dads to shame with this gift for his little princess, Bloomingdale’s roofie ad apology, college majors that are most likely to keep you living in your parent’s basement, garlic makes you sexy, Amazing Race big time gamble you’ll like the contestants next season, and finally, Neil Young is not young.
Relationship Deal Breakers and Franchises