Join the Space Force

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Space Force

Space Force?
Image by TheDigitalArtist

Where can we sign up to join the United States Space Force? Do we get a helmet and a laser gun? Seriously, this is an important topic that impacts people, places and spaces we can only imagine. Enter our favorite space expert, Rod Pyle [10:44] to sort things out. He takes a break from signing autographs on copies of his book, “,” to sort this topic out. Plus he dives into the idea of NASA quitting the space station business, and whether China is getting a leg up on super-massive rockets.

Next up, [29:10] our Travel Dude, Gary Warner has a topic for you. What’s your favorite cocktail? Gary reveals his favorite destinations for 5 iconic cocktails.  Also, Gary covers beer in part 1 of his alcohol crawl. Check out episode 366.

Co-Host Heather Jordan joins Phil Hulett with this weeks news. Score one for the wild animal kingdom versus poachers. Millennials may have finally gotten something right. Now they’ve turned napping into an experiential thing. Really? The police are going to break up my backyard party when I have THIS band playing? Do ya wanna be an Amazon kid? Geoffrey the Giraffe is considering a new job offer. We now know what caused dozens of people to fall ill at a 4th of July barbecue. And finally, Phil tells his story of being chased by a UFO in the middle of the Utah desert.

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