Ports O Call Elimination We’re operating on borrowed time in Ports O Call Village. Moment-to-moment the threat is real that a Marshal will arrive to padlock our studio door to make way for demo teams to raise our classic Cape Code-style, bell-tower-enhanced building with historic radio broadcast studio included. That’s right, knock it to the ground to make way for …
Adult Inoculations and Voodoo Doughnuts
It’s time for your Inoculations! Dr. Michael Z. Kurtz makes a house call [11:29] to make sure we grown ups know which inoculations we’re supposed to get. Phil Hulett thought he was covered for life when he got shots as a kid. But no! Not only are there new inoculations kids, there are several for adults. Further, there are …
Blow Your Stack!
[saf] Today we explore just how likely it is that entire cities along the west coast of the United States could be buried under molten lava. In happier news, a doctor says you can get your natural hair color back and he explains how. Learn what you need to know about Autism Spectrum Disorder. What are they doing to Kraft …