Episode 323 Part 2 Dogs at Work

Phil HulettPodcast Leave a Comment

[saf] In part 2 of episode 323 of Phil Hulett and Friends, word arrives on what happened to Jiggy Jaguar that has the friends worried for his welfare. Phil shops for a hybrid plug-in car. There’s a new drink called the Sour Toe and somebody stole the secret ingredient. Travel Dude Gary Warner checks in with vacation spots where you …

Guitars, GRIT and Vegas

Phil HulettFull-Length Shows, Podcast Leave a Comment

[saf] Guitar playing will get you far in life, so that’s why we speak to an actual guitar god, Paul Gilbert about how he teaches YOU to play guitar. Our travel guy visits and asks us to guess which travel destination has unseated Las Vegas as the number one vacation spot. Can you guess? Plus, what does GRIT stand for? …