Star Wars, Taxes and Annoying Relatives

Phil Hulett Full-Length Shows, Podcast Leave a Comment

[saf] It’s hard to avoid all the buzz about the new Star Wars movie. Manny the Movie Guy reviews “The Force Awakens” as well as Sisters and The Hateful 8.” Financial Life Coach, Roel Sarmago offers some end of year tax tips. Dr. Frieda returns with advice on how to survive your annoying relatives during the holidays. Chris Martin reviews the Rock and Roll Hall of …

Aliens, El Nino and Santa Airlines

Phil Hulett Full-Length Shows, Podcast Leave a Comment

[saf] Ron Felber makes a return visit to follow up on the story of a couple who tell a very believable story about alien abduction. Not only does Ron recount the couple’s harrowing experience with other-worldly beings, he also has scientific data to explain how those beings might be getting here from far away galaxies. Plus a meteorologist answers those who …

Antecubital Fossa

Phil Hulett Full-Length Shows, Podcast Leave a Comment

[saf] Antecubital what? You don’t even know what that is, do you? Well, you should be sneezing into it. Dr. Michael Z. Kurtz tells you what you need to know to stay safe from norovirus and e coli. Chris Kennedy explains how easy it is to self-publish your book. Manny the Movie Guy reviews the Golden Globe and SAG Awards …

Concussions and Hot Nannies

Phil Hulett Full-Length Shows, Podcast Leave a Comment

[saf] Is it time to change our thinking about youth sports? A concussion expert explains why he believes now is the time, and he prescribes the best method for recovering from a concussion. Plus, former nanny, Florence Ann Romano warns parents to NEVER hire a hot nanny, and gives advice to nannies about what to do if daddy, or mommy, makes the …